About Us

who we are
Childline WC was part of a hybrid organisation, LifeLine/Childline Western Cape, from 1995 until June 2018, when it became an independently registered NPO. LifeLine/Childline Western Cape (WC) is affiliated to Childline South Africa. The organisation has been awarded the designation of a Child Protection Organisation, by the Department of Social Development, rendering Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) services.
Today, more than two decades later, we continue to serve thousands of children, youth and adults in child protection matters across the broader Cape Peninsula and the Western Cape. Childline WC is made up of staff and an Executive Board who are warm and accepting, are passionate about child protection and who bring relevant skills into this vital area of service. The staff complement is made up of Social Workers, Social Auxiliary Workers, Lay Counsellors, Administrators and Volunteers, all specifically trained in the field of child protection.
Childline WC aims to work toward safe communities in which children’s rights and family values are upheld and maintained.

To provide prevention and early intervention programmes, support and therapeutic services to children, youth and their families who are affected by abuse, crime and violence.
To empower parents/caregivers, professionals and community workers through education and training to become knowledgeable and skilled in matters related to child protection.
To advocate for the rights of children on various district, provincial and national platforms.